Maria Grazia Calandrone

Your Little Matter

Translation by Antonella Lettieri


ISBN: 978-1-7384463-2-2

Rome 1965.  A man and a woman, excluded from Italian society, abandon their eight month old daughter in the Villa Borghese and take extreme action. In 2021, that child, author Maria Grazia Calandrone, sets out to discover the truth of what took place, examining the places that her mother lived, suffered, worked and loved.

Your Little Matter is an intimate reconstruction of the life of a parent, a shocking insight into the real lives of marginalised women from the Italian South in the relatively recent past, and the revelation of a cause celebre that was a catalyst for the legalisation of divorce in Italy. Combining poetic insight with cool, journalistic investigation, the completely personal with the very public, the book tells a devastating story of how the institutionalised callousness of state and society can lead to tragedy. 

Your Little Matter was shortlisted for the 2023 Premio Strega.

MARIA GRAZIA CALANDRONE is a poet, writer, journalist, playwright, visual artist, teacher, author and RAI host. She writes for Il Corriere della Sera and 7. She has written numerous books of poetry for Mondadori “Specchio” and Crocetti. Her prose works include a novel about her adoptive mother, Splendi come vita (Ponte alle Grazie 2021), which was a finalist for the Strega Prize, the Trio Strega Giovani Prize, and the Bergamo and Comisso awards.

ANTONELLA LETTIERI is a London-based translator working into English and Italian. She was the 2023 National Centre for Writing Emerging Translator Mentee for Italian and worked with Howard Curtis. Her translations have appeared in Asymptote and she was awarded the first prize in the 2023 John Dryden Translation Competition.